I know I haven't posted in a while. Honestly, I don't think anyone reads this! So far this summer we were crazy busy with swim team(we are now on break). We recently finished our school year about 2 weeks ago. We are off until October! I have been trying to squeeze every bit of fun out of summer before our vacation. We have been bowling, to the lake beach, swimming in our pool most days, braving the heat to go to playgrounds, Six Flags and today we are headed to Cave Springs to visit the cave and spring fed swimming pool. September 1 starts our month long vacation to the beach!!
We have decided to take an RV trip around the country in 1-2 years. We have some planning to do before then! The whole family will get a lot out of this trip and it will be an amazing experience! We have already decided on which RV we want. We aren't buying it yet, but it helps us all to visualize where we will live during this time.

This RV has a sleeping areas for everyone. A bedroom for mom and dad, a huge bed for Grady over the driving area and bunkbeds for Madison and Andrew! There are also 2 more beds for company. A huge adventure awaits us!