Today, we went to Applachicola after we ate lunch at home. We started at the estuary. They have some educational displays and lots of animal bones the kids can touch and learn about. They also have some aquariums of fish and turtles you can see around the area. It's small and not fancy, but it's free and a great way for the kids to learn about the environment around the ocean.
We then visited some of the stores in downtown Applachicola. They have the cutest stores. We got some ice cream at the soda shop and we went inside The Grady Market. We walked around a little more and took some photos and bought a few things.
We came home and rested for a bit, waiting for the sun to go away so the kids could swim. As we are getting ready, I notice a teen boy wrestling with a fishing pole. He has something big on the other end. He eventually reels in a shark. I took some photos from our deck. It wasn't huge by any means, but the kids got to see it up close. It was a unique experience.
The kids are all showered and ready for bed now. I have no clue what tomorrow holds, probably more beach time.


Fountain in Applachicola

Fountain on Old Sponge Trading building.

This is a real boat. I know it looks painted on the building,
but it's not :)

The Grady Market. This building was opened in 1900 and now holds a boutique.

Andrew in the aquarium room.

Horseshoe crab