Friday, March 5, 2010

March1-5, 2010

This week we had more snow. No one was excited. I think we are all ready for Spring. We watched the snow fall, but we didn't go outside to play in it. The snow was really wet and it had been raining before the snow started, so it was really not good snow to play in. Jason took this picture of a bird sitting in a tree outside of the window while the snow fell. It was the only picture we took of that snowfall. I guess we are over the snow this year!

We had the week off from Robert's school and it was nice to not have to get out in the cold and snow on Wednesday morning :) On Thursday, we took a field trip to a rock quarry. It was pretty entertaining. We even got to be there while they blasted some rock. This only happens 3 times a week so we got really lucky. This quarry mines granite mainly for landscaping. Here are some pics of that:
Just the tires on this truck were taller that any of the dads!

A huge pile of rocks!

All the children got to collect rocks!

A look into the quarry.

Friday, we had a productive school day. Grady and Madison are finishing up their math books. Thankfully, I ordered the next books for them already! We finished up a unit study on the human body today as well. G&M know a lot about this subject! They really enjoyed it and are looking forward to our study of cells :) We press on in Spanish. They are doing awesome. I didn't know how it would go, but so far so good! Andrew is working on finishing up his Kindergarten work. He is waiting on his next math book to arrive and we are going over the letters he still doesn't know. At this point he's not missing many, so that's good. He's even starting to read 3 and 4 letter words! Grady and Madison also did a lesson in their LLATL 2 and 4 language arts books. Grady's new reading book, "Wilbur and Orville Wright," made it here today, so we will get started on it soon.

After our schooltime, Madison had her horse riding lesson. This was her thrid lesson and she is improving. She did a lot of trotting today and learned how to clean the horse's hooves. She was looking forward to the nail part, so we were both glad she got to do that!

Tomorrow is Grady's first swim meet!! We are all excited, despite having to get up very early :)


Julie said...

That dump truck is HUGE! Thanks for posting about your week!

Tonia said...

That looks like a very fun field trip!

Daisy said...

That looks like an exciting field trip! And horse back riding! My daughter would be in heaven. Thanks for sharing your week.

We start a human anatomy study pretty soon. Have to finish up Galen first. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You did a good job on your first weekly report. I'm itching for spring weather so we can do more outdoor stuff too!


Gretchen said...

Hey, that truck looks familiar ;)

Did I know you had a blog? I'm following you so I'll remember to read!

Robin Johnson said...

It looks like y'all had a cool field trip and fun week.

WildIris said...

Those wheels on the truck are as tall as you or me and ordinary sized woman? What a great week. My daughter wants riding lessons too.
thanks for sharing your week.

Carrie said...

So glad you shared your week with The Hive!!! Looks like a fun week! ;)