We've been home one week now and I would love to be back at the beach. It's been raining pretty much all week. There's so much to do at home. At the beach, we played and relaxed. It was a wonderful time and I'm thankful we were able to enjoy it. I guess it's time to move on.
This week we got back to school. Monday was a very hard day. No one wanted to read or work math problems, including me. Madison had cheer practice Monday night. While we were on vacation, the team learned the second half of the routine and Madison did a fantastic job picking it up! I'm so proud and relived that she was able to get it quickly.
Schoolwork on Tuesday was a bit better and Wednesday, Andrew went to his first homeschool enrichment class. His class is a one hour class with other preschoolers, that I'm teaching. We all had a lot of fun. After class, the kids got to play with friends and I got to chat with some mommy friends. Thursday was more school and Andrew's gymnastics class. He did a great job after being gone a while.
On Friday, the kids had some friends over to play in the afternoon. Then, we had company for dinner. We had a great time catching up with our friends. Saturday morning, Madison had cheer practice at 9am. I really didn't want to wake up for that!! After practice, Madison was invited to play at a friend's house. So, I took her over there and then picked her up on the way to take all the kids to Granny and Papa's house to spend the night. Jason had to work, so I was home all by myself. I don't really enjoy being home by myself, but I did my best to enjoy my time.
I got some sewing in this week as well, Andrew has a new outfit for Fall!! Until next time........